Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Due to the holidays and finals, the Iron Bartender is on break until the first week in December.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Non-Booze Related News

This weekend is the Dahlonega Literary Festival in Historic Dahlonega, GA (The site of the first major U.S. Gold Rush). If you're in the area stop by and check it out. There's multiple events running all day, including a panel on the New Waves in Publishing, which includes a discussion on Self-publishing and also on Blogging.

Later tonight, there will be a NaNoWriMo Writing Marathon. It's at the Corkscrew Cafe, and you're welcome to order drinks off of their menu (see, I fit alcohol in here!).

For a complete Schedule of events, visit the website:

The picture is a painting done by Local Artist Billy Roper, whose book Billy Roper: Visual Storyteller is featured at the festival. He will be signing book at the Dahlonega Marketplace today from 11:30-1:00

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fantastic Friday Fix - Il

After today, I'm going to need a drink. Perhaps an entire bottle of Il brand Preseco or Moscato will help.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Secret Ingredient - Cinnamon Sticks

It's getting that time of the year when the best drinks, even the alcoholic ones, are nice and warm. So here's this week's recipe using Cinnamon Sticks:

Warm up a mug of apple cider
Add in one shot of Spiced Rum (We use Sailor Jerry's, it has a better vanilla-y flavor)
Use one Cinnamon stick as a stirrer.

This is one tasty holiday-feeling-inducing kind of drink.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Booze News: Dangers of Alcohol

Please remember to drink responsibility. This blog, nor I, encourage binge drinking.

NPR Story: Alcohol is More Lethal Than Heroin